Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PRK Experience

I finally got my butt in gear and not be freaked out by the process (especially after scouring the internet for personal accounts) to have PRK done and get rid of my glasses.  I have decided to blog about my experience which I'm sure that it would be different from others as well.  So please take the post/ experience with a grain of salt.  No 2 people have the same experience.

A little background, I have been wearing glasses since I was 5yrs old and contact lens since 12yrs old.  I have worn RGP and then switched to soft, but I never liked the idea of wearing contacts overnight.  So by the time I was in college, my prescriptions were -7.5 right eye and -6.5 left with about +1 -1.5 astigmatism.  My prescriptions would vary about 0.25-0.5 every year but really about the same for good 10 yrs.  I have always said that I will have my eyes corrected after all my schooling were done; therefore not while in college or in med school.  Now I'm in my second year of residency and my hospital give a decent discount for it and the only issue is just making sure that the service I'm scheduled for won't be something that strain my eyes for the first month out. I've scheduled the surgery for 3/6 which is the last week of my general anesthesia service and then I'll start back up on PACU (recovery room) service, which uses less eye strain.

Pre-surgery consult
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5/6
Week 1 (Day 7)
Month 1
Month 3
Month 6

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