Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Month 1

Wow! It's been a month since the surgery.  It's been going great. My vision is clear pretty much all the time with occasional bouts of haziness that clears up with blinking and eye drops.  Today at the check up my vision was 20/15 right eye and 20/20 left eye.  Got a cornea mapping done and had prescription checked, had a little of astigmatism on the left, which I was told that it should get better as time goes on.  Otherwise, I use now about 3-4 vials of eye drops unless I have a really bad day, not common.

Night vision is also slowly getting better. Still got the starbursts but completely clears up when I blinked. I have been able to read the normal computer print about size 11. I have also resume my attempts in working out when I could and officially got the go ahead to get into pool and hot tub. Yeah! I ran out of my steroid eye drops by the end of 3rd week and I call my doc and was told that it's fine to just stop.  Hopefully there's no repercussion from stopping the drops early.  I can't wait to have my dry eyes go away completely.  I asked how long and was told about 6 months to 1 year with PRK closer to 6 month spectrum and LASIK closer to 1 year spectrum.  Hopefully by Thanksgiving, my dry eyes will be thing of the past.

The only funny thing is that in the morning and after shower, I was in the habit of looking for my glasses since I was 6. So now all of the sudden that I don't need them, it felt like I'm missing something at times.  The feeling is getting better and I sure don't miss wearing glasses and getting headaches from them. Now just waiting got 3 month check up!

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