Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Month 3

Today I had my 3 month post op check.  So far, just experiencing dry eyes after sleeping.  Even with the refresh and lubrifresh pm.  I would wake up in the morning feeling like goop over my eyelashes and still needed at least 2-3 drops per eye to get the day started.  Of course, my left still not crystal clear like my right and still experiencing starburst at night but it usually goes away if my eyes are not dry.

Per my check up, my right eye is 20/15 and left is 20/20 with slight astigmatism.  I was told that usually there's another burst of healing between 3-6 month.  I was given a trial of Genteal gel for severe dry eye to try.  Will see how well it goes.  So far, loving this, no more glasses, no more headaches from glasses.

Next check in 6 months.

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