1. Schizophrenia -- Do You Hear What I Hear?
2. Multiple Personality Disorder -- We Three Kings Disoriented Are
3. Dementia -- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas
4. Narcissistic -- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
5. Manic -- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and....
6. Paranoid -- Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me
7. Borderline Personality Disorder -- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
8. Personality Disorder -- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why
9. Attention Deficit Disorder -- Silent night, Holy oooo look at the pretty snow... can I have a
chocolate? why is France so far away?
10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder --
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Happy Holiday and best wishes for a joyous new year!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
EXCITING news!!!
YIPPPEEEE!!!! I'm going to Newark, NJ for the next 2 school years. Wonderful!!! I'm just excited thinking about it. There are so many things to do. And just being there is my dream. ::sigh:: Can't wait.
Sorry for the long lapse of update. But I'm in a crazy quarter where there are series of testing and studying.
Sorry for the long lapse of update. But I'm in a crazy quarter where there are series of testing and studying.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A day in Columbia, MO ....
I've just spent a day in Columbia, MO. It's an hour and a half away and it's the closest city with university area. I spent the day doing lots of shopping, shopped for clothes, Bath and Body Works and food. I have come to really love ethnic food. Now I'm onto Indian food. I went to a Indian grocer and bought some mixes and instant packets and some naan to go with the food that I've bought. I also went to the Oriental grocer and it's owned by Koreans, so lots of korean foods. But I did get some Chinese snacks out of there.
It was fun. Hopefully I'll keeping going with my ethnic food chase. :-)
It was fun. Hopefully I'll keeping going with my ethnic food chase. :-)
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Something True for Missouri ...
Our class made a video about Kirksville, MO (misery). It's very true. I've seen it happened before too. :-)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Awesome Quarter
This past quarter or the past 4 weeks have been awesome. We've got some interesting first years on campus and are just reminding us how much we've done over the last year. It's only their 1st week of school and they are already freaking out over their first test in a week and a half. Yep. That was us last year. It's just amazing how time flies and how much we've changed over the year.
Another thing, I got my first A in my Pathology I class. It was even better with missing only one question on the final. The class only has one test and we were all panicking over it and I was so stressed that I didn't even know what I was studying. On top of that, I even got myself into a study group with all guys. I usually study by myself too. Craziness. But grades wise, God has been watching over me. I had no motivation to study at all but somehow, God provide enough motivation for me to study and get the awesome grades that I've got.
Now I get a week off and I plan on vegetating and do fun things. I'm going shopping, clean up my apt, and maybe some cooking to freeze for the upcoming crazy quarter. I'm sooo excited, going to NYC to see Tiff Keng, see Les Mis then some more shopping and sight seeing. Fun times coming up.
Another thing, I got my first A in my Pathology I class. It was even better with missing only one question on the final. The class only has one test and we were all panicking over it and I was so stressed that I didn't even know what I was studying. On top of that, I even got myself into a study group with all guys. I usually study by myself too. Craziness. But grades wise, God has been watching over me. I had no motivation to study at all but somehow, God provide enough motivation for me to study and get the awesome grades that I've got.
Now I get a week off and I plan on vegetating and do fun things. I'm going shopping, clean up my apt, and maybe some cooking to freeze for the upcoming crazy quarter. I'm sooo excited, going to NYC to see Tiff Keng, see Les Mis then some more shopping and sight seeing. Fun times coming up.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Summer .... OOO ..... Summer ....
I guess I'm now into monthly updates. But anyway, summer is too nice for school despite the Missouri's misery sweltering heat. I basically didn't want to study the past 3 weeks that we were in school, but now, we are coming up to our finals week. How fast the time past. God has definitely been great to me because even though I don't have much motivation to study, He's been guiding me to study and granting me really great scores. Scores that I know that I normally would never get. But anyways, school is same ole same ole, boring.
I got more exciting news about school but not schoolwork. I don't know if I ever told y'all about being secretary for CMDA and that our class CMDA is low on regular attenders for weekly Bible Study, therefore we didn't have a worship leader for the upcoming year back in May. We've been praying for a worship leader, more men for a men's group and more people from our class will come. We've definitely been praying for the newbies (1st years). God has anwered one prayer already and the 1st years haven't officially started class yet. One of girls that we've met led before and is more than willing to do so for Bible Study. God is awesome and He provides. The men's group is looking up because we do have a couple more men from the 1st year class joining us and a few more from our class that are interested in haing a men's group. So exciting :-) I can't wait for the year to unfold.
This last couple of days I've been busy studying, working on club stuff and figuring out rotation sites and boards review stuff. I can't wait for the year to start. There so many new and amazing things waiting to happen.
Can't wait ... going to NYC over Labor Day weekend and to see Tiff Keng. Yahooo!!!! Going to see Les Miz too. Haven't seen a NYC broadway since 2002. :-)
I got more exciting news about school but not schoolwork. I don't know if I ever told y'all about being secretary for CMDA and that our class CMDA is low on regular attenders for weekly Bible Study, therefore we didn't have a worship leader for the upcoming year back in May. We've been praying for a worship leader, more men for a men's group and more people from our class will come. We've definitely been praying for the newbies (1st years). God has anwered one prayer already and the 1st years haven't officially started class yet. One of girls that we've met led before and is more than willing to do so for Bible Study. God is awesome and He provides. The men's group is looking up because we do have a couple more men from the 1st year class joining us and a few more from our class that are interested in haing a men's group. So exciting :-) I can't wait for the year to unfold.
This last couple of days I've been busy studying, working on club stuff and figuring out rotation sites and boards review stuff. I can't wait for the year to start. There so many new and amazing things waiting to happen.
Can't wait ... going to NYC over Labor Day weekend and to see Tiff Keng. Yahooo!!!! Going to see Les Miz too. Haven't seen a NYC broadway since 2002. :-)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Officially 2nd year of Med school
Whooppeee!!! one year down and only God knows how many more to go. hehe. Anyways, the classes have been very interesting. It's more clinical based than before. Last year was all those boring science basics. Now we actually get to see everything in clinical cases. That's really cool. Even neurology sounds really good.
The last two weeks I was in Southwest Missouri following a doc. The area is really pretty. There was a national park with a huge lake that runs between Missouri and part of Arkansas. The really interesting part is that it takes a 45 min drive into the clinic that I worked and then the closest grocery market is 10 mi away into Arkansas. The closest town is smaller than the one that I'm in now.
The time I was there, I was able to see a lot, esp non compliant diabetics and prenatal care. The babies and prenatal care was more fun and more interesting to see. I also got to see colonoscopy, colposcopy, and EGD. Definitely was interesting, but I won't be doing Family Practice at all. It's too much work.
Now it's time for another crazy short summer quarter for the next 4 wks.
The last two weeks I was in Southwest Missouri following a doc. The area is really pretty. There was a national park with a huge lake that runs between Missouri and part of Arkansas. The really interesting part is that it takes a 45 min drive into the clinic that I worked and then the closest grocery market is 10 mi away into Arkansas. The closest town is smaller than the one that I'm in now.
The time I was there, I was able to see a lot, esp non compliant diabetics and prenatal care. The babies and prenatal care was more fun and more interesting to see. I also got to see colonoscopy, colposcopy, and EGD. Definitely was interesting, but I won't be doing Family Practice at all. It's too much work.
Now it's time for another crazy short summer quarter for the next 4 wks.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Wow! It's been 2 months since my last update and a whole quarter of med school has flown by. So now, officially, I'm done with my first year of med school. 1 down 1 more academic year to go. Yipppee!!!
Let's see.... May has been sort of the normal school month for me. Not much is new except all those tests are just part of normal life. I did get a week off after Memorial Day weekend where I saw Pirates, celebrated end of the year and did some major shopping. Pirates was awesome. Some said it wasn't that great but nontheless, I loved it. Can't wait for Harry Potter in July.
On the last Sunday that I was at school, I finally went to a church that I liked but then the pastor is leaving. My luck right? to find a church that I sorta like but don't if I'll like it when I come back in July. Please pray for that.
For June, I sepnt about 17 days at a 4H summer camp near St. Louis as a Health Aide/Nurse. Boy was there plenty of drama within all the camp directors and the staff. Let's just say people will do anything to keep their job the way it is and to make it more beneficial to them. But for me, it was also 17 days without any internet communication for me. How sad!
I did get a day off, so I drove up to Hannibal, MO. For those who are literature fanatics, it's where Mark Twain grew up and where he based his stories on. The place is really quaint and it set aside several areas just for Twain's display. There were also few stories about the down. My fav is the Lover's Leap Bluff where the Native Amer. girl's father disapproved of her choice in her mate and decided to kill them both. But both the girl and the mate jump the bluff and onto the train underneath and rode into Iowa and opened a general store. Very cute. And yes, I did go on a riverboat on the Mississippi River on Missouri and Illinois sides. The captain pointed out the Jackson Island. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera on me, so I'll have plan a second trip and include cave exploring as well.
Now, I'm home for a week. Just to hang out and help my silly little brother move to S.F. for dental school. His apt is really small even in comparison to the ones in LA and boy are they expensive. But I love the area. I will most definitely work my hardest to settle in the bay area eventually. I just can't get away from Cali and the FOBbiness. haha
I'll be going to Newark, NJ and Detroit, MI next week to visit some hospitals that I might plan on going for 3rd and 4th years. I just need to rank them and make sure that I'll be willing to spend those 2 years in those places.
I'm also planning a trip to East Lansing, MI at MSU for a conference in July. So that'll be interesting. Maybe a trip in Aug to LA too.
New goals: Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, medical mission trip
Let's see.... May has been sort of the normal school month for me. Not much is new except all those tests are just part of normal life. I did get a week off after Memorial Day weekend where I saw Pirates, celebrated end of the year and did some major shopping. Pirates was awesome. Some said it wasn't that great but nontheless, I loved it. Can't wait for Harry Potter in July.
On the last Sunday that I was at school, I finally went to a church that I liked but then the pastor is leaving. My luck right? to find a church that I sorta like but don't if I'll like it when I come back in July. Please pray for that.
For June, I sepnt about 17 days at a 4H summer camp near St. Louis as a Health Aide/Nurse. Boy was there plenty of drama within all the camp directors and the staff. Let's just say people will do anything to keep their job the way it is and to make it more beneficial to them. But for me, it was also 17 days without any internet communication for me. How sad!
I did get a day off, so I drove up to Hannibal, MO. For those who are literature fanatics, it's where Mark Twain grew up and where he based his stories on. The place is really quaint and it set aside several areas just for Twain's display. There were also few stories about the down. My fav is the Lover's Leap Bluff where the Native Amer. girl's father disapproved of her choice in her mate and decided to kill them both. But both the girl and the mate jump the bluff and onto the train underneath and rode into Iowa and opened a general store. Very cute. And yes, I did go on a riverboat on the Mississippi River on Missouri and Illinois sides. The captain pointed out the Jackson Island. Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera on me, so I'll have plan a second trip and include cave exploring as well.
Now, I'm home for a week. Just to hang out and help my silly little brother move to S.F. for dental school. His apt is really small even in comparison to the ones in LA and boy are they expensive. But I love the area. I will most definitely work my hardest to settle in the bay area eventually. I just can't get away from Cali and the FOBbiness. haha
I'll be going to Newark, NJ and Detroit, MI next week to visit some hospitals that I might plan on going for 3rd and 4th years. I just need to rank them and make sure that I'll be willing to spend those 2 years in those places.
I'm also planning a trip to East Lansing, MI at MSU for a conference in July. So that'll be interesting. Maybe a trip in Aug to LA too.
New goals: Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, medical mission trip
Friday, April 20, 2007
Lazy week
For the past week, I've been lazy by the med school standard. I haven't done much studying but did more fun things in planning. We've just had a skit nite and it's a tradition in med schools. It was hilarious. The whole nite was making fun of the things that happened during the school year, the professors and the students. Also they made pseudo commercials that mock the real TV ones, like Guardicil one less, Yaz and the Herpes one. I helped planned the refreshment stand as it was sponsored by the Bible Study as part of a fundraiser. It was a lot of fun trying to coordinate everything and everyone and planning food for about 400 people.
This week we found out that we need to have a social next week for the 3rd years that are coming back from their rotations to do their end of the year testing. So we are now in the midst of scrambling and combining this event with another end of the year event because something else came up. AHHH!!! But it'll be fun. :P
After all this, I'll get to go to St. Louis for a day for a conference and hang out at a friend's place the nite before. Hopefully, we'll do something fun that nite.
I've been going to church but haven't really had time to really get to know the people there. Most of the people really just go then leave after. We'll see. But I did pick up a book called Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones. It sounded like a single gal book but it really talks about a gal's heart in preparations for God because Christ is our groom. Gals should have this in the heart before considering dating. It's just something fun for me to read so I don't go crazy.
I've just got the job for a 4H camp just outside of St. Louis for the 1st 2 wks of June then I'll be home for maybe 2 wks. Maybe I'll check out the rotation sites for my 3rd & 4th years for the 1st wk of July. But we'll see. It's still up in the air.
Anyways, it's getting late here and it's time for bed. So good nite peeps.
This week we found out that we need to have a social next week for the 3rd years that are coming back from their rotations to do their end of the year testing. So we are now in the midst of scrambling and combining this event with another end of the year event because something else came up. AHHH!!! But it'll be fun. :P
After all this, I'll get to go to St. Louis for a day for a conference and hang out at a friend's place the nite before. Hopefully, we'll do something fun that nite.
I've been going to church but haven't really had time to really get to know the people there. Most of the people really just go then leave after. We'll see. But I did pick up a book called Lady in Waiting by Jackie Kendall & Debby Jones. It sounded like a single gal book but it really talks about a gal's heart in preparations for God because Christ is our groom. Gals should have this in the heart before considering dating. It's just something fun for me to read so I don't go crazy.
I've just got the job for a 4H camp just outside of St. Louis for the 1st 2 wks of June then I'll be home for maybe 2 wks. Maybe I'll check out the rotation sites for my 3rd & 4th years for the 1st wk of July. But we'll see. It's still up in the air.
Anyways, it's getting late here and it's time for bed. So good nite peeps.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Dress up and down and up and down .....
This week flew by and it was a blur most of the time. Besides the normal tests that we have during the busiest week, they gave us more patient encounters where have to dress up professionally. So this week, I felt like I was continuously dressing up and down and up and down, a unending cycle. ::sigh:: Imagined that will be my life in a few more years but between office clothes and scrubs. Ho fun for me!
The weather here is freezing again. And here I thought that it's spring and that I coule perhaps run outdoor instead of motivating myself to go to the horrible gym that we have. Oh well! maybe in a week the weather will be great again.
I watch Jericho online on It's really good, talking about the end of the days by nuclear bombs and how the US has divided on itself. It just got me started thinking how wonderful it is that I have the eternal faith in Christ and eternal life with Him. The townspeople in the show had no hope whatsoever and they only have the hope of fake US military saving them and carry them through the winter without heater. The people also felt that they have to do everything themselves and end up turning against each other. It just scared me that that's who we were before Christ and that we turned against each other really fast because we didn't have that eternal faith. I'm just glad that I have Christ on my side and that victory comes with it. :-P
The weather here is freezing again. And here I thought that it's spring and that I coule perhaps run outdoor instead of motivating myself to go to the horrible gym that we have. Oh well! maybe in a week the weather will be great again.
I watch Jericho online on It's really good, talking about the end of the days by nuclear bombs and how the US has divided on itself. It just got me started thinking how wonderful it is that I have the eternal faith in Christ and eternal life with Him. The townspeople in the show had no hope whatsoever and they only have the hope of fake US military saving them and carry them through the winter without heater. The people also felt that they have to do everything themselves and end up turning against each other. It just scared me that that's who we were before Christ and that we turned against each other really fast because we didn't have that eternal faith. I'm just glad that I have Christ on my side and that victory comes with it. :-P
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Story of True Christianity
There was this well known painter and he taught his son how to paint. But the war came and his son served the country. One day, the father got the fatal letter saying that his son died in battle. The father grieved and weeped.
After a while, someone knocked on his door and he opened it and saw a young man in his military uniform. The young man said, "I was in the same unit with your son and he taught me how to paint because painting was something that I wanted to learn and do."
Then the young man pulled out a not so well painted picture of the son and father and said, "I painted this one and I want you to have it."
The father cried, took the painting and said, "You are my son." He then put the painting on his mantle where he used to hang his own work.
After a couple of years, he died and his possessions and works were to be auctioned off. People from all over the place came in hopes to purchase his wonderful works for a low price. So the auction started and the first piece to be auctioned off is the painting by the young man. The auction started at $1000. People scoffed at the auctioneer and told him to get rid of the painting and start with the real work. Then the auctioneer said, "Anyone for $800?" Again, people scoffed.
Auctioneer said, "Again anyone for $600?" People scoffed.
Auctioneer said, "Will anyone give anything for this painting?" While the people scoffed again, in the audience was the young man and he said, "I will give everything I have for that painting back."
Then the auctioneer pulled out the painter/father's will and said, "He who buys this painting will inherit all his work."
This story was told by our speaker today in our CMDA quarterly lunch meeting. CMDA has these free lunch meetings as part of evangelism. The speaker, Manson, spoke on true v. false Christianity and use this story to illustrate his point. True Christianity is when we are willing to give up everything in the world, essentially giving the whole world a "LOST" stamp, to just spend moments with Christ, which the young man did. The rewards of this is so tremendous that we can't even comprehend.He also said that it is about what God did not what we did because it should be that we are nothing and lost without God. This just really hit me and really cleared it up for me. True Christian is not just doing all the act but our hearts have to be in the right place. It just really sadden me to see people there today who just came for lunch and got turned off by the talk. They outrightly rejected God, but CMDA will be in prayer for those who left today. There were also a few Mormons there and I'm sure that they have conflicting issues. A side note, I'm definitely understaning more about Mormons since our class has so many of them.
Just my thoughts from today's meeting.
After a while, someone knocked on his door and he opened it and saw a young man in his military uniform. The young man said, "I was in the same unit with your son and he taught me how to paint because painting was something that I wanted to learn and do."
Then the young man pulled out a not so well painted picture of the son and father and said, "I painted this one and I want you to have it."
The father cried, took the painting and said, "You are my son." He then put the painting on his mantle where he used to hang his own work.
After a couple of years, he died and his possessions and works were to be auctioned off. People from all over the place came in hopes to purchase his wonderful works for a low price. So the auction started and the first piece to be auctioned off is the painting by the young man. The auction started at $1000. People scoffed at the auctioneer and told him to get rid of the painting and start with the real work. Then the auctioneer said, "Anyone for $800?" Again, people scoffed.
Auctioneer said, "Again anyone for $600?" People scoffed.
Auctioneer said, "Will anyone give anything for this painting?" While the people scoffed again, in the audience was the young man and he said, "I will give everything I have for that painting back."
Then the auctioneer pulled out the painter/father's will and said, "He who buys this painting will inherit all his work."
This story was told by our speaker today in our CMDA quarterly lunch meeting. CMDA has these free lunch meetings as part of evangelism. The speaker, Manson, spoke on true v. false Christianity and use this story to illustrate his point. True Christianity is when we are willing to give up everything in the world, essentially giving the whole world a "LOST" stamp, to just spend moments with Christ, which the young man did. The rewards of this is so tremendous that we can't even comprehend.He also said that it is about what God did not what we did because it should be that we are nothing and lost without God. This just really hit me and really cleared it up for me. True Christian is not just doing all the act but our hearts have to be in the right place. It just really sadden me to see people there today who just came for lunch and got turned off by the talk. They outrightly rejected God, but CMDA will be in prayer for those who left today. There were also a few Mormons there and I'm sure that they have conflicting issues. A side note, I'm definitely understaning more about Mormons since our class has so many of them.
Just my thoughts from today's meeting.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Colorado Springs!!!
Spring Break ended and I was back at school for two days before leaving again for Colorado Springs for a conference with all the docs. The conference was awesome in that I learned a ton. The docs there were so willing to teach. The minute that they found out I'm a student, they just flock around the studnets like they couldn't wait to impart their experiences and knowledge to us. Their view is that knowledge is the only thing that they can give away freely and still keep it for themselves. Throughout the enitre conference, I feel like God has definitely lead me into making the right choice in coming to ATSU-KCOM because our school has taught us so much for only being here 2 quarters. There are schools out there that are not learning half of what we know already. There were 1st year students from our school that are teaching the 3rd years some of the techniques that we were taught 1st quarter. It was amazing to put everything together and realized all the craziness in school is worth something and so is being away from home. A lot of the school call our school, ATSU-KCOM, the osteopathic manipulation mecca, and now I really see why. We were taught with all sort of techniques and that we get a lot more practice. We jumped right into it the first day school started. I'm really thankful that God has brought me here.
We have fun times too. I went to see the Garden of the Gods. It's a bit like Grand Canyon but mostly huge rocks along an 8 mile trail. It was gorgeous. I definitely got hooked on Taboo and Cranium Pop 5. These two games are really good to get to know other people because it really gets into their minds and see how they think.
I also met quite a few people and got know a few more people better. I met a few 3rd years from school. I met one of them in a funny way. Remi came up to me when me and a couple of other people were getting ready to leave to have a drink in a bar/restaurant before our evening event. He kinda made me feel bad about leaving just when he wanted to meet us, so I stayed and we talked for a bit. He's Hong Kongnese and from NY and we talked a little bit, get to know each type of info. Then the next day, I skipped the afternoon lectures cuz I wanted to talk to people from other schools and just hang out. I talked to people from Virginia and Touro, CA. After that I ran into Remi again, and he was like let's talk more and hang out before our school's alumni reception. So we walked around the resort's golf course (The Broadmoor). The funny thing is, and God has a great sense of humor, he is a Christian too and he's went through the same thing that I am, not finding a good church after a strong church in undergrad. He went to a solid church back in NY and had a hard time finding a good one in town. I'm having a hard time transitioning from GCC to something local. I haven't been to church since Jan and I know that has been completely my fault, but I have been going to Bible Study. I had Mon test every week and needed every minute to study and feeling like I couldn't afford 2 hrs to go to church. Then Remi just grilled me on John MacArthur and expository teaching because that's the topic he's studying right now in his life. So it was great just exchanging what we know and trading what we learned. God has just put this amazing guy in front of me out of nowhere, telling me that He still cares and that He wants me to get back into a fellowship. This was just a great gentle reminder that I need other Christians to keep me accountable in my walk with Him. So hopefully, I'll be able to keep in touch with Remi and share/trade more life tips.
So all in all, I think I'll definitely go again next year because not only do I learn more techniques from the practicing docs, I also met quite a few people. Only thing is now I have to catch up on the classes I missed so this weekend, I'll be a busy bee. It was also great to see that the practicing docs did not lose their sense of humor and boy can they dance. They still had time to fun things despite being crazy busy.
We have fun times too. I went to see the Garden of the Gods. It's a bit like Grand Canyon but mostly huge rocks along an 8 mile trail. It was gorgeous. I definitely got hooked on Taboo and Cranium Pop 5. These two games are really good to get to know other people because it really gets into their minds and see how they think.
I also met quite a few people and got know a few more people better. I met a few 3rd years from school. I met one of them in a funny way. Remi came up to me when me and a couple of other people were getting ready to leave to have a drink in a bar/restaurant before our evening event. He kinda made me feel bad about leaving just when he wanted to meet us, so I stayed and we talked for a bit. He's Hong Kongnese and from NY and we talked a little bit, get to know each type of info. Then the next day, I skipped the afternoon lectures cuz I wanted to talk to people from other schools and just hang out. I talked to people from Virginia and Touro, CA. After that I ran into Remi again, and he was like let's talk more and hang out before our school's alumni reception. So we walked around the resort's golf course (The Broadmoor). The funny thing is, and God has a great sense of humor, he is a Christian too and he's went through the same thing that I am, not finding a good church after a strong church in undergrad. He went to a solid church back in NY and had a hard time finding a good one in town. I'm having a hard time transitioning from GCC to something local. I haven't been to church since Jan and I know that has been completely my fault, but I have been going to Bible Study. I had Mon test every week and needed every minute to study and feeling like I couldn't afford 2 hrs to go to church. Then Remi just grilled me on John MacArthur and expository teaching because that's the topic he's studying right now in his life. So it was great just exchanging what we know and trading what we learned. God has just put this amazing guy in front of me out of nowhere, telling me that He still cares and that He wants me to get back into a fellowship. This was just a great gentle reminder that I need other Christians to keep me accountable in my walk with Him. So hopefully, I'll be able to keep in touch with Remi and share/trade more life tips.
So all in all, I think I'll definitely go again next year because not only do I learn more techniques from the practicing docs, I also met quite a few people. Only thing is now I have to catch up on the classes I missed so this weekend, I'll be a busy bee. It was also great to see that the practicing docs did not lose their sense of humor and boy can they dance. They still had time to fun things despite being crazy busy.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Interesting day for Birthday!!!
I am officially 23 and getting older and more adult even though I still feel like underage cuz I'm still in school. Anyway, Facebook had a busy day on my birthday especially with people that I haven't talked to in ages commented.
Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes! I had the most wonderful Asian made French birthday cake. I also had a ton of Chinese food. Yummy.
I figure this would be the easiest way to say thanks!
Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes! I had the most wonderful Asian made French birthday cake. I also had a ton of Chinese food. Yummy.
I figure this would be the easiest way to say thanks!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Update ... as promised!
The month of February had been horrible with tests been thrown at me with lightening speed but I'm very glad that I have God at my side to ground me and give me strength to get through it. I've also gone through more dark chocolate and racquetball than I want or planned to ::sigh:: Stress definitely got to me.
No more school talk, especially on the week that I'm home. =P
This past couple of weeks have been filled with happy and sad news. Starting with the sad news. Someone I know very well decided to drop out because he felt that God had given him a calling to do something else. I admire him for having the guts to withdraw and face the music, especially with his parents. I know it must not have been easy decision. Props to him. Sometimes I really wonder what God has planned for me. I just wished I could've known ahead of times but that's the beauty of God. He gives us amazing calling and comes in different forms.
The good news is that I'm involved in CMDA, Bible study, as secretary on the exec board and I'm excited in planning with the others for the next year and the incoming young'uns. Also I'll be going to Colorado Spings in about a week for a conference. It's all very exciting. Can't wait.
One more big thing I have to give thanks for. My dad made it through a successful surgery last Thurs and now is on a good road to recovery. I was nervous about his surgery especially knowing what I know now. Also I had a really hard time studying for my last final the day of his surgery. Thank God that He kept my dad safe and me sane. My mom and brother were not as nervous since they didn't know exactly all the anatomy but they were worried because it was such a long procedure. How funny. God loves giving us funny moments. By the time I got back home, my dad had already been in the hospital for about 2 days but he just really wanted to go home. He came home 2 days ago but he needs lots of TLC. Basically, he sort of immobile, so me and my family has to help him with everything to keep his back stable. Doc said it'll be about a 3 months recovery perhaps more. Something interesting was that my dad's doc is a big shot and also a pastor at his church. What a surprise that was to me!
I want to share a song that has helped me the last couple of weeks. It's a reassurance that God is always there and will never abandon me. It's called "Even If I Fall".
I may pass through the waters
But one thing I know, You are with me
I may walk through the fire,
But one thing I know, You are with me
Though my way seems uncertain,
In You I'll put my trust.
(Men )
When You're with me, I will rise up
When You lift me up (repeat)
Even if I fall, I'll rise again for You are my God
Even if I fall, You lift me up (repeat)
I may go through some trials
But I will not fear, for You are with me
I will go to the mountain,
And I will press on, for You are with me
Though my way seems uncertain
In You I'll put my trust.
God has definitely provided and well. He even gave me the opportunity to talk to a few girls in school that feel the way I do, like we are loners among our class because of our beliefs and the fact that very few people are at the same stage in life. I'm glad God gave me a couple of girls that I can talk to for certain things even though it won't be like the gals I know and love in college.
Thank the Lord for everything. Always in abundance.
No more school talk, especially on the week that I'm home. =P
This past couple of weeks have been filled with happy and sad news. Starting with the sad news. Someone I know very well decided to drop out because he felt that God had given him a calling to do something else. I admire him for having the guts to withdraw and face the music, especially with his parents. I know it must not have been easy decision. Props to him. Sometimes I really wonder what God has planned for me. I just wished I could've known ahead of times but that's the beauty of God. He gives us amazing calling and comes in different forms.
The good news is that I'm involved in CMDA, Bible study, as secretary on the exec board and I'm excited in planning with the others for the next year and the incoming young'uns. Also I'll be going to Colorado Spings in about a week for a conference. It's all very exciting. Can't wait.
One more big thing I have to give thanks for. My dad made it through a successful surgery last Thurs and now is on a good road to recovery. I was nervous about his surgery especially knowing what I know now. Also I had a really hard time studying for my last final the day of his surgery. Thank God that He kept my dad safe and me sane. My mom and brother were not as nervous since they didn't know exactly all the anatomy but they were worried because it was such a long procedure. How funny. God loves giving us funny moments. By the time I got back home, my dad had already been in the hospital for about 2 days but he just really wanted to go home. He came home 2 days ago but he needs lots of TLC. Basically, he sort of immobile, so me and my family has to help him with everything to keep his back stable. Doc said it'll be about a 3 months recovery perhaps more. Something interesting was that my dad's doc is a big shot and also a pastor at his church. What a surprise that was to me!
I want to share a song that has helped me the last couple of weeks. It's a reassurance that God is always there and will never abandon me. It's called "Even If I Fall".
I may pass through the waters
But one thing I know, You are with me
I may walk through the fire,
But one thing I know, You are with me
Though my way seems uncertain,
In You I'll put my trust.
(Men )
When You're with me, I will rise up
When You lift me up (repeat)
Even if I fall, I'll rise again for You are my God
Even if I fall, You lift me up (repeat)
I may go through some trials
But I will not fear, for You are with me
I will go to the mountain,
And I will press on, for You are with me
Though my way seems uncertain
In You I'll put my trust.
God has definitely provided and well. He even gave me the opportunity to talk to a few girls in school that feel the way I do, like we are loners among our class because of our beliefs and the fact that very few people are at the same stage in life. I'm glad God gave me a couple of girls that I can talk to for certain things even though it won't be like the gals I know and love in college.
Thank the Lord for everything. Always in abundance.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year!!!!
I missed the awesome Chinese food and my family where we get together for a yummy dinner!
I'll just have to go home and make it up over spring break =P
I'll just have to go home and make it up over spring break =P
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Month of February
It's alreay half way over and I have not attempt to update this because I just don't have the energy after 4-5 hr sleeping, 4- 8 hr classes & crazy speed in shoving study materials in my head for another 5-6 hrs. My brain is so full that it's mainly running on short term memory. I'm sorry for ignoring you lots, even my parents got ignored most of the week unless it's a stress day or a Saturday.
One of the few things keeping me sane is CMDA, Monday nite Bible study. It brings me back to the big picture of why I put myself through this crazy torture and that God is only giving what He knows that I can handle. It's also been a blessing for the girls in my accountability group. Even though it's only 1.5 hrs a week, it's a good breather to have a crash refresher course on one of God's attribute and remind myself how He had played a major role in the past week. I really don't know how other unbelievers keep themselves sane through these couple of weeks and the few more to come. I'm just thankful that God saved me and called me His child all by His grace and mercy, something I'm sure that I don't deserve.
I'm writing this early because I've up already for 1.5 hr studying and want to take a short break before keep plugging on and the fact that my brain is somewhat fried already. hehe. oh well.
Please, please pray for continue endurance for the next 3 weeks as I'm finishing up the remainder of unit tests and crazy finals.
I promise I'll give a more fun update in March ....
One of the few things keeping me sane is CMDA, Monday nite Bible study. It brings me back to the big picture of why I put myself through this crazy torture and that God is only giving what He knows that I can handle. It's also been a blessing for the girls in my accountability group. Even though it's only 1.5 hrs a week, it's a good breather to have a crash refresher course on one of God's attribute and remind myself how He had played a major role in the past week. I really don't know how other unbelievers keep themselves sane through these couple of weeks and the few more to come. I'm just thankful that God saved me and called me His child all by His grace and mercy, something I'm sure that I don't deserve.
I'm writing this early because I've up already for 1.5 hr studying and want to take a short break before keep plugging on and the fact that my brain is somewhat fried already. hehe. oh well.
Please, please pray for continue endurance for the next 3 weeks as I'm finishing up the remainder of unit tests and crazy finals.
I promise I'll give a more fun update in March ....
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Preview to Crazy February ....
Time to get use to four hours of sleep and study like crazy for a marathon of Monday, Friday and sometimes Wednesday tests with some days doubled up!!! Time to get on the Caffeine, namely, my fav Mocha. =P School eased us into it starting from last week. It was so bad but starting this week, it's gonna get ugly. Please pray that I'll have the strength to last me till spring break in March and the dependency on God for all things to come, regardless how well I do on my tests.
My plan and hope for South Africa trip this summer has been cancelled because our school has a riduculous international policy. Ugh. Annoying. So summer is back to the drawing board. But I'm hoping and praying that God will open the doors for maybe next summer or my 3rd/4th year rotation through Institute of International Medical Missions. Please pray for that as well and my parents for being more receptive in my desire in serving overseas.
My accountability/small group is going really well. We are hitting the basis of who God is and it's wonderful to see how all of us get together despite being busy to help each other to know God even more. We are going through Attributes of God. Even though it's my 2nd time through, it's still a blessing because it became a reminder of what God had provided and prepared me at UCLA for the relatively unreceptive world of medicine. Now, I use the same book to help two of the girls to establish a firmer grasp on the foundations of who God really is without the man centered misconceptions. For that, I'm thankful.
I'm really trying to keep in touch with my gals from home. And I've better but not the best. Give me time. =P
It's short, but I really need to go to bed and start on my busy month of February.
My plan and hope for South Africa trip this summer has been cancelled because our school has a riduculous international policy. Ugh. Annoying. So summer is back to the drawing board. But I'm hoping and praying that God will open the doors for maybe next summer or my 3rd/4th year rotation through Institute of International Medical Missions. Please pray for that as well and my parents for being more receptive in my desire in serving overseas.
My accountability/small group is going really well. We are hitting the basis of who God is and it's wonderful to see how all of us get together despite being busy to help each other to know God even more. We are going through Attributes of God. Even though it's my 2nd time through, it's still a blessing because it became a reminder of what God had provided and prepared me at UCLA for the relatively unreceptive world of medicine. Now, I use the same book to help two of the girls to establish a firmer grasp on the foundations of who God really is without the man centered misconceptions. For that, I'm thankful.
I'm really trying to keep in touch with my gals from home. And I've better but not the best. Give me time. =P
It's short, but I really need to go to bed and start on my busy month of February.
Friday, January 12, 2007
A First
Today, our afternoon classes were cancelled because we've got a winter storm alert. Our school boast of only closing 2-3 school days ever. So what a privilege that today was another one. When they told us, we were surprise because the weather did not seem to bad at the time but now when I look out the window, it's all ice. This weekend is forecasted to be snowing and freezing rain. What a full blown winter.
This is good and bad. It's the 3day weekend and I was planning on going to the nearby city to take a breather, now, I can't go. boohoo. But then, now, I have more time to completely catch on the pile of lecture notes. yippee.
Oh boy, this will be a fun weekend.
This is good and bad. It's the 3day weekend and I was planning on going to the nearby city to take a breather, now, I can't go. boohoo. But then, now, I have more time to completely catch on the pile of lecture notes. yippee.
Oh boy, this will be a fun weekend.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
On my way to the gym to play a raquetball game, I saw a fawn (young deer) on the side of the parking lot as I walk across the lot. I was at first startled but the more I looked at it, the more I thought how beautiful it is and how amazing God is, giving us the wonder of nature. :)
Just a quick thought. Time for me to go for a practical exam.
PS. I'm excited. We are supposed to be getting rain, ice then snow by the end of this weekend. Once more the white winter. hehe.
Just a quick thought. Time for me to go for a practical exam.
PS. I'm excited. We are supposed to be getting rain, ice then snow by the end of this weekend. Once more the white winter. hehe.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
First week back....
First week back to school and I feel like I've been through a whirlwind already. Jetlagged from my trip and having to studying like crazy for a unit test in Anatomy and then feeling overwhelmed with the amount of study materials that I have to get through already. I'm just thankful that I'll have a 3 day weekend this week to recuperate and spending Monday in a nearby city shopping and catching up with the real world.
I just feel like this quarter will be rough especially being winter and having a whole new class to play a game with. But I'm sure God will show me something good. I'm just thankful that it's not so crazy that I can't breathe. The schedule in Feb is already scaring me please pray for my physical endurance to get through the crazy month.
The accountability group I'm in is going well and I really enjoyed it. My group is going through the Attributes of God and we just talked about evangelism and how to tell unbelievers that the only to heaven is through Jesus. We really talked about how to differentiate a man centered God and God Himself. I have always thought thought that I was not ready to be leading a accountability group but God doesn't forsake. He really helped me through this meeting because I was able to tell the girls the difference. :)
I'm excited for Thurs. Our school is having a general meeting regarding a possible South Africa medical mission trip. Perhaps I'll be able to go.
Anyways back to more studying .... and the lovely EKGs....
I just feel like this quarter will be rough especially being winter and having a whole new class to play a game with. But I'm sure God will show me something good. I'm just thankful that it's not so crazy that I can't breathe. The schedule in Feb is already scaring me please pray for my physical endurance to get through the crazy month.
The accountability group I'm in is going well and I really enjoyed it. My group is going through the Attributes of God and we just talked about evangelism and how to tell unbelievers that the only to heaven is through Jesus. We really talked about how to differentiate a man centered God and God Himself. I have always thought thought that I was not ready to be leading a accountability group but God doesn't forsake. He really helped me through this meeting because I was able to tell the girls the difference. :)
I'm excited for Thurs. Our school is having a general meeting regarding a possible South Africa medical mission trip. Perhaps I'll be able to go.
Anyways back to more studying .... and the lovely EKGs....
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Shanghai .... :P
Wow! Shanghai was great. Loads and loads of shopping and history lessons. Those lessons were very brief but nonetheless very informative. I enjoyed it a lot.

This was my brother, Warren, trying to be cool at the airport before the trip.
A Romantic scenery and it's my brother with me ... ::sigh:: hehe :)

A beautiful scenery with just me and look at me all bundled up. It was 4 C. brrrr. really cold.
One of the meals had fish head soup and look at the size of the bowl!!
Shanghai's famous small steamed buns with soup inside at the original restaurant. Yummy!!!
A large version of the famous Shanghai small steamed bun. Literally a straw is needed for the soup inside. Delicious!!
A shot of Shanghai's night scene. Really spectacular. The govt spends about 1 mill RMB per night for the lights.
A copycat of our New York love.
On our way home on the airplane ....
It's the summary of my trip!
This was my brother, Warren, trying to be cool at the airport before the trip.
A beautiful scenery with just me and look at me all bundled up. It was 4 C. brrrr. really cold.
It's the summary of my trip!
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