Saturday, August 25, 2007

Awesome Quarter

This past quarter or the past 4 weeks have been awesome. We've got some interesting first years on campus and are just reminding us how much we've done over the last year. It's only their 1st week of school and they are already freaking out over their first test in a week and a half. Yep. That was us last year. It's just amazing how time flies and how much we've changed over the year.

Another thing, I got my first A in my Pathology I class. It was even better with missing only one question on the final. The class only has one test and we were all panicking over it and I was so stressed that I didn't even know what I was studying. On top of that, I even got myself into a study group with all guys. I usually study by myself too. Craziness. But grades wise, God has been watching over me. I had no motivation to study at all but somehow, God provide enough motivation for me to study and get the awesome grades that I've got.

Now I get a week off and I plan on vegetating and do fun things. I'm going shopping, clean up my apt, and maybe some cooking to freeze for the upcoming crazy quarter. I'm sooo excited, going to NYC to see Tiff Keng, see Les Mis then some more shopping and sight seeing. Fun times coming up.

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