Friday, November 20, 2009


Loved Seattle. Very much like SF but not too city like. It just turned cold when I got there. I felt that it was even colder than the East Coast. There's even decent public transit. But I'm not sure if West Coast is for me anymore. When I first arrived, I was thinking that it feels strange to be back on the West Coast and I'm not sure if I can fit in anymore with the lifestyle. The sad thing was I've only been away for a little over 3 years.

UW is great but I felt it was a little too intense. I would say it was a little more intense than any of my other anes rotation. There's lectures to go early in the morning and pbld once a week in the afternoon. The attendings there were from all over the world so it was sort of fun guessing where they are from. The attendings really like to teach and they do pimp a bit but nothing crazy. The residents there seem to be happy but definitely busy and some of them look tired. I ended up interviewing there before I left. I was told by the last year's chief that sometimes the people who rotated there seem to fall through the crack so he helped me talk to about giving an interview before I leave.

My fav part was that a couple of residents talked about their international trips that counted as an elective as CA3 and that the faculty help them set it up. It all seems to be good but my gut is telling me that it's not my perfect fit. I would be perfectly happy here but I just felt that there are more out there.

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