Friday, November 20, 2009

Interview # 3

SLU ... Categorical

Awesome peds... Cardinal Glennon .... peds wonderland ... need to say more ....

Anyways, it's a medium size program about 10 per and only pain fellows around. So work/cases wise, no competition. They are working on setting up a peds fellowship but according them, there are enough work that they shouldn't have any problems.

They have one thing special is that they are starting a course on healthcare policy/management. I find that amazing because I know that I myself am fairly clueless when comes to healthcare politics/business. The fact that they are starting a course on it sounds like they really do care how the residents do while they are there and afterwards out in the real world.

This was one of the few that did not put up hotel but got us a great deal at Hyatt Riverfront. It was a gorgeous hotel and I think the going rate was around $200 per. Dinner was at Ruth's, which was right in the lobby so it was great not having to worry about where to go for dinner. The residents there that night was very blunt and straight forward. They tell you straight up what is good and not. Same thing during the interview day when they came in during breaks and lunch.

The interview day was one of my longer one. It started around 7:30 and did not end until 5pm, partly due to a series of situations that the interviewers had and they had to call other to come in to interview us. Interviewed with 3 people and they are all very laid back, no crazy questions.

Overall, I liked this program, which surprised me. I didn't want to like St Louis because it's in MO but it made an impression.

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