Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Break to a Silght Catch Up .... ::sigh::

OMG!!! I"m so tired. My brain is constantly fired by the end of the day and by Friday, I can't function without taking a nap after class. I'm definitely going crazy. So much material to cram into my brain before each test every week. It's really during this time how I've found that God is amazing especially in the amount information that He has allowed for my brain. And the most amazing part is the fact that what I'm learning so far is all created by God Himself and that there's still so much that man cannot understand. God has been gracious to me so far with my first exam and the studying of the second and third and fourth exams for the next week. There's no way that I could've done all these without His strength. Phil 4:13 has been on my mind as I think back the last two weeks of how crazy my school life has gotten.

As crazy as my school life is, I haven't been going to the gym as much which I am determined to change. But there are still time for me to ponder upon a few things. This past week have been club lunch meetings the major clubs have their first meeting and provide lunch. In the food, God has provided without me cooking at all for the last week. But the clubs invited guest speakers and some of what they say hit me as like wow, I can't believe that they said that. One thing that stood out the most is the definition of humanism. According to the speakers (docs), humanism is compassion for the people regardless whether there is a god or not, but philosophically, humanism is related to the spiritual compassion of mankind. In that sense, the docs were telling us to put aside our philosophical beliefs when we are in our healing mode of humanism. From this, I pondered that the two ultimately cannot be separated because it is hard to understand the true compassion and display true compassion if I haven't felt that true compassion coming from Christ as He died on the cross for our sins.

Another comment that strikes me was that the sprirtual writings of a dead physician were tossed out by his family when they were writing a memoir for him. To the family members, science and spirituality do not belong together and that the world is always one or the other. It hit me that how can that line of thinking be possibly true since there are still so much about science that cannot be explain methodically and theoretically. Those are the amazing things that God has done.

This has been a heavy week and in some way a constant battle in trying to finght against science as I'm learning it. I don't know if that make any sense, but it's a battlefield that I'll be taking on for the rest of my life as God leads me on.

Besides this, my school had a hospital day where a bunch of hospitals across the US that have allowed the students from my school to intern there or have residency programs that have people from my school. That day was sort of like tossing us MS 1 into a sea of unknown and being overwhelmed and lost. It was quite interesting to see what options I have come my 3rd and 4th years and perhaps residency. So far, all my options were on the East Coast. Besides being tossed in, we got quite a few goodies from them ie coffee mug (a med student necessitiy), small portable radio, lots of pens, chapsticks, bags and not in the least papers and candies. I came back to my apt with a ton of stuff and papers that are still spread out in my room because I haven't had time to put them away in an organized fashion. The hospital day doesn't really mean anything to me till next year but it was fun.

An interesting happened on that day was a second year, (i think he's Chinese too), just randomly tapped on my shoulders as I was talking to a hospital representative and asked me if I was Chinese. I just said yes and turned away from him and kept talking to the representative. After I finished talking to the rep, I noticed the same was talking to another Chinese guy from UCLA, telling him that I was Chinese too. But I felt really bad because I think I kinda snubbed him. oops. Hopefully, I'll see him around and be able to apologize. That was quite an interesting reaction and question because people here in this town don't really asked me anything like that. He just sorta shocked me with his question. oh well.

Alright, I think I've taken my slot of break from studying human anatomy. So tooddles until next time. :)

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