Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows

Movie time ... first movie since the last one I saw with my brother.

Definitely a fan of Harry Potter, never read the books but totally enjoyed the movies. So totally up for this when friends from church made plans for this.

Watched this with Angel and everyone else bailed out on us. Oh well.

The movie was great, intense with humor thrown in every so often. It got both me and Angel on the edge of seats most of the time. I didn't even realized that it's been 2hrs when I checked my watch. Usually I would start checking my watch about 45min-1hr into the movie. So didn't want the movie to end.

Can't wait the next installment in May/June. Totally watching it the weekend it comes out.

Afterwards, we went the Cladagh (Irish pub). They are known for fish and chips around the area. I had that and Angel had their Jack Daniel Burger. Both were yummy. Normally, I don't like restaurant burgers but this one was really good, totally impressed with it. The fish was more fish than dough. Good quality, totally could come again.

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