Saturday, October 28, 2006

Restful yet a slightly anxious ....

I'm enjoying this week so far: enough time for me to catch up on classes, get about 6 hrs of sleep a nite (a luxury) and getting a bit of time to myself. I'm enjoying this week but on my back burner is the fact that in two weeks, I have a crazy week of finals. But I'm gonna trust that God will carry me through and giving the strength for the cray non sleeping week. I dunno what to do with my schedule to get all the studying I need. I'm JUST slightly overwhelmed. :P We'll see how I'll survive that week.

Other than that, this has been a normal week. Haven't really done many fun things, except ones going out to the local bar with a bunch of people during the homecoming weekend of the local state uni. It was great in relieving stress and not doing much thinking.

God was really gracious because He just gave me something wonderful to work with (I think). CMDA (Bible study) has accountability group (our version of small group) and I said I could be a contact person for my group. So now I have a group of girls with another first year, a second year and another girl that's been held back. I just found out that I am sort of leading the group as well in choosing topics and what to do. So we'll see how that goes. But I'm excited to see what God has planned for this type of group.

The big thing this week was the MLB Cardinal, St. Louis, winning the world series yesterday. The last two games they played were awesome. It was intense. Funny how I learned to watch all the sports that I don't normally watched in the last two years. First it was NBA bastketball from my brother then college football and basketball from Miss Sandy and not MLB from med school. How funny that I've never used watch sports and not I understand and watch various sports. haha. unbelievable.

Anyways, time for me to look at more pictures to go with my Histology class (microscope class). ::sigh::

1 comment:

Sandy said...

hey. wanted to let you know that im coming home earlier than i originally planned. i'm flying back nov 20. call me :)