Saturday, October 16, 2010

CV-ICU Part 2

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My week in this unit was slow. Not much going on. People are fairly stable, just keeping an eye out for them and make adjustment as needed. The only issue I had was the fellow that was in the unit. He's Egyptian CTS who is doing critical care training. He was sent up by his dept for extra training. He drove me crazy. He doesn't understand how to use the EPIC and even the nurses from his patients were coming to me for orders and what not. We lovingly call him Dr. "Useless". haha. He really should stick with surgery but at the same time he needs more patient contact time.

J 66
The unit is upstairs and pretty much it's me and the PA/NP. The staff I was with pretty much treated me as a 2nd or 3rd year where he would come in so I can go for breaks/lunch and sometimes around for lines and new admits. It's been interesting. There are times I'm like, I'm not ready to handle the unit by myself. This is the first time where I truly experienced that I am a doc and have the privilege to take care of patients the way that PA/NP couldn't. I'm definitely not ready to run the unit by myself but I'm sure that by the end of 4yrs, I should be able to. I'm glad that they don't just throw us into units and have us run it by ourself. That would be too scary.

Overall, it's been a really good experience with a good fellow, Mike. He pretty let me do what I'm comfortable in and wanting to learn and he would just supervise. Very good teaching, Dr. Boss. (gotta love the last name esp on the unit when we called by last name without dr. in front)

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