Sunday, August 24, 2008


Death seem to be everywhere, especially recently. People that I know of from home church, my friends' friends' relatives, relatives of people that I just met at the new church. Has it always been that many or has I just become aware it more as I get older and going through med school?
I don't remember death as something as prominent when I was younger. My grandmother's death in '93 and my grandfather's death in '96 didn't make me to be more aware of it. Yes, my grandmother's death eventually led to church and to Christ. My grandfather's death was the first one where I was actually present for. But neither one brought me the awareness that I have now.

I really do wonder whether it's age or is it my career choice in medicine? I'm sure for others it's the age thing but for me, I think both played heavily in my life. I have to deal with death and the possibility of death with patients in my daily life as a physician and I have to figure out early on about what my perception of death is.

One thing I am very glad is the love, hope, grace, mercy and trust that I have in Christ. I have the comfort in knowing that I will be taken cared of whether it be on earth or after death. Death is not really the end of all because I have hope in Christ. It's just a time for a long nap before joining God in His kingdom where I can praise Him and everything is so perfect that earth pales in comparison. Wonders will never end.

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