Sunday, August 01, 2010


Looking for my new home church ... quite a task and challenge.

I've been in Cleveland now for about 5 weeks and explored a couple of the churches in eh area. I'm stilling looking for a place to call home. So far I've come to the conclusion that finding a church with a group of young working adults is quite the task since the ones I've been to either are family oriented or college oriented.

Cleveland Chinese Christian Church
It's very close to my apt. It takes me less than 15 mins to get. That's a definite pros so I can get there even when I'm tired. The church has several branches but the young adult English branch is the one I went. It's actually pretty small. Mostly college or grad students there and a few residents and new attendings there. The teaching is good and it's base on the scripture for topics. I've only heard the pastor once and the other times I wents, it was visiting pastors speaking. They are good but they are not as good as the one I went to in Jersey. I feel like they are just still trying to find their own niche for the English group whereas, the Chinese services are already very well established. I can see myself coming for the next 4 yrs but will it be good for me? That's the million dollar question.

Parkside Church
It's a big church. Probably on par with Grace Community Church with J. MacArthur. I wouldn't have minded joining that church, but it's a bit far. On good days, I don't mind driving the 30 - 40 mins there but when I'm tired or it's snowing, I'm not sure I can do the drive. Even though the drive is only 10mins longer than the one I make in Jersey and home. Otherwise, the teaching is very sound and I could definitely grow there. I only wish that it's not so far. Their small group fellowship is on Wed, wish it's on Fri so I could actually have the chance to make it there. Midweek is just a bit difficult. Oh well.

Riverview Church
I went to one other church and I had high hopes that it would be good since the pastor is from Masters Seminary. The pastor was great and the sermon was very similar to Grace Community Church style. The biggest thing I have against it is that the church is mostly caucasians with families. There are not many young adult for me to at least associate with. So sad.

I think I'm going to settle with the Chinese church. Even though it's smaller that I'm used to in NJ, I think there are great potential that I can work with. Can't wait to see what God brings.

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