Sunday, July 04, 2010

First time as doctor

This feels weird as a "doctor". I start my intern year in the ED. My least fav rotation and I'll be dreading it and starting my countdown.

So far, I've had 3 shifts already and this is the start of me working on the holidays and being "owned" by CCF for the next 4 yrs. The shifts were 10 hrs long each but I have yet to get out on time since I have to sign out and finish up my notes. It's weird for to ID myself as Dr Cheung when I call for consults, call for info in nursing home or answering pages/calls. I guess it's something I'll have to get used to it really soon.

Patient population at the clinic is very complicated. They are not necessarily emergent but they always have some complicated issues. ugh. trying to dig through those is a pain in the butt, but I've definitely spent some time on UptoDate reading about them. I guess that's a good way to get some reading in during this extremely sporadic hours month.

So far time has been flying and I am glad that I'm not doing ER. It's busy and I feel very disoriented half the time I'm there since a lot of the care are broken up. So far, I'm adjusting to the fact that I have the power to put in orders and actually be able to do something for the patient despite being on the bottom of the totem pole in this crazy medical hierarchy.

I'm definitely on my way to working the holidays as this is the first holiday weekend we got. I've worked the day before and day after. Not much of celebration. Any time that I'm not working has spent either sleeping and maybe cooking if I feel up to it. It may or may not get any better as the month goes by. We shall see.

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