Saturday, December 05, 2009

Interview # 6

Baystate .. Categorical

I drove the 3 hrs to the hotel that they put us up in. It's the longer route because I was trying to avoid driving through the city traffic.

It's an awesome program. I was already in love with it before even going for the interview. I love the fact that they are very pro residents and a medium size program. The dinner was at the restaurant next door and there were 5 residents that sat down with us. Some of them brought their SO as well. The residents are very happy and said all the good stuff about the program.

Interview Day: It starts at 9 am not the 7am shuttle that hotel runs to the hospital. We didn't know that beforehand so a bunch of us met in the lobby and just sat and chatted until it was time for us to carpool to the hospital. The orientation that started the day off was long and the lights were off. We all were pretty much ready for the PD to end by the end of his presentation. But the PD was very informative and excited. He was all praising how great the program was and how supportive they are of the residents.

The one thing that impressed me was that they have managed to arrange an advanced airway month. They have small enough number of residents that about half of the faculty practice one their own. They also have plenty of funds for the residents for education/conferences. They have a CRNA night system where it lightens the residents' load during calls.

The interviews were laid back. No crazy questions were asked, just wanting to know you.

Overall, I'm so far loving this place. Now, I can't decide between CCF and here.

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