Monday, July 21, 2008

Crazy Week ....

This started with me agreeing to come back home to volunteer as the Arts & Crafts translator for Sacramento's Chinese Culture Camp. I was scheduled to fly back on Tues and land at 11am and immediately get myself to the camp and start my work. My flight leaves from Kansas City at 7:30am and it's a 3 hr drive from Kirksville. So I left my apt at 2:30am and got to the airport around 6:30am with a 1/2 hr nap and 15 min detour on the airport exit. At the same time, I got a cold which started 2 days before. My nose was so stuffed that I couldn't sleep before my drive. All in all, I was up for 36hrs when I got back from the first day of "work".

Work was fun. Translating what the teacher from Taiwan was teaching and at the same time teaching the kids the Chinese Arts & Crafts. After the day is done, my mom and a couple of her friends were in charge taking the 3 Taiwan teachers out to dinner and sometimes after dinner program. This was from Tues to Fri.

For the after dinner programs, we have gone to Tapioca Express for Shaved Ice. We walked around Old Sac and the Delta Boat and the walkway along the Sacramento River. After that we went to Leatherby's Creamery for their gigantic banana split and sundae. The next night we took a walk along another small river in a residential neighborhood. The highlight of all those were the conversations. The conversations were non stop and full of laughter.

Then on Sat, my family and I drove to SF for my brother's white coat ceremony at his dental school. They don't have a different white coat for students. Their coats are the same length as the fully licensed docs, unlike mine. Then we spent the weekend hanging out with my brother at his apartment and had some yummy food. We spent some time playing card games and did some grocery shopping in Chinatown. We at Thai food, Taiwanese food and Korean food. All in all, it was great to be able to hang out together as a family. It's been a while since we were able to do that.

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