Monday, May 24, 2010

Post Grad Party

Went to Vegas day after graduation for a couple of days. It's really the first time as a legal adult for me. Went with a couple of the girls and their boyfriend/fiance. Had a wonderful time partying it up and getting the Vegas feel. It's been a great self esteem booster at XS (club we went) and at Carnival Bar, which we randomly stop by. Alcohol definitely seems like free floating since we all pretty much drank more than usual. Definitely some stories are remained to be stories among us girls and will remain in Vegas. The last party before work, work, work.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Med School Graduation

Finally after 4 crazy years, I'm Dr. Carina Cheung. Until this day, I still don't really respond when people called my Dr. Cheung. It takes me a bit to go Oh! That's me. It was great to see my Aunt and Uncle whom I haven't seen for years. I got to see my silly cousin and his wife too. It's always great to get to see family.

Everything before graduation went smoothlyg. The financial aid session was mindboggling in that I have too much debt and there are too much info to process to find the best way to pay off the debt. AHHH!! Had a good time catching up with everyone in class. It's been almost 2 years since we've seen each other and it was good times. There are so many new babies. I'm guessing our class now have about 50+ kids. It was great seeing the girls from CMDA and see how our lives are. We had a class party and a white coat bonfire. Too funny.

The only glitch was the my family's flights were delayed and missed their connection but thank the Lord! He made it happen so they can get on the later flight and arrive a couple hours of later than planned.

None of the I'm a doctor mindset hit me until we recite our Hippocratic oath. That's when I realize that I'm really going to be responsible for people's lives now come July 1st. I'm still trying to process that thought. Who knows when I will fully wrap my head around that thought? The one thing that I have no trouble with is that God has made all this happen. Without Him, I would not be where I am today. Now just waiting for my next adventure... Cleveland Clinic ...

Monday, May 10, 2010

New Home

My home for the next 4 years. It's been almost 2 months after I found out I'm going to Cleveland. I'm happy and excited at the thought of being at the Clinic for anesthesia, but I'm too sure about being in Cleveland for the next 4 years. I was really hoping to stay in the East but I guess God has other plans. So far, I'm liking my apartment and it doesn't feel like a student apartment or one where I would move after a year or so. I'm hoping I'll be able to fall in love with this place as I finally immerse myself come June. I'm sure once things get going, I'll enjoy being in Cleveland and all it has to offer too. Just waiting to see what God has plan!

Please pray for a church that will be my home and family for the next couple of years.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Last 2 weeks in NJ

The first week back from Uganda - adjusting back to States lifestyle, faster pace and more right sided. I felt like I even had to adjust to driving again. I spent the time sorting my pics out and uploading my INMED blog and dealing with paper work for graduation. But I did really miss Uganda and all of the people that I have met and befriended there. It was such a short time but I still felt like I have been there for a lot longer.

It was nice that I have the 2 weeks left in NJ and I could officially say my own good bye to the place that have been my home for the last 2 years. I said goodbye to the people I have befriended at church and it made me reflect back on the last 2 years that I have known them. They have really become my support and home for the last 2 years despite me being MIA every so often. God has really put them in my life as I really needed a family after my not so great experience in Kirksville. Thank you CCCNJ and 5W.

Then moving. Found a company East West Movers Inc and they help with packing. So I planned on packing my bedroom and bathroom and leave the rest for them to help me pack. It only took us all together a little over 2 hours to pack up what I didn't pack and for them to load into the truck. I'm impress. At first when I saw the space that all my things were suppose to go in, I though "Oh crap! I'm going to have to pay more because it will not all fit in there, 300 cubic feet." But they did it with room to spare on top. The only thing that didn't go is my desk but no harm done. I have been wanting an excuse to get rid of it. So now I only have my duffle bag of cothes, sleeping bag and food in the fridge. Everything else that's left either gets toss or get shoved in the last 2 boxes or so that I have left.

I don't think it really hit until today that I am really moving. It was when I looked at my empty apartment and DING! I really am leaving the East Coast for the next 4 years and will being calling Cleveland home. I'm sure God is having fun up there with my life and how everything is turning out, but nonetheless, it will be great. Can't wait to start my new phase of life.