Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cars, Colors and Personality

People whose car is: Have confidence that is:
Emerald green 5.5% above average
Dark blue 3.2% above average
Silver 1.2% above average
White Average
Sunny yellow 3.7% below average
Orange 4.1% below average
Bright blue 5.5% below average
Bright yellow 8.3% below average
Red 8.8 % below average
Black 14.6% below average
This is the gist of an interesting Yahoo! article on cars, now that the gas price is so high. I think it's just trying to make news in place of the same old news about gas. People really got nothing better to report.

People whose car is: Experience:
Black, dark blue,
or silver
Consistent moods
White, sunny yellow,
or bright blue
Modest mood swings
Orange, red, bright
yellow, or
emerald green
The most pronounced mood swings

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