Saturday, May 17, 2008

Cars, Colors and Personality

People whose car is: Have confidence that is:
Emerald green 5.5% above average
Dark blue 3.2% above average
Silver 1.2% above average
White Average
Sunny yellow 3.7% below average
Orange 4.1% below average
Bright blue 5.5% below average
Bright yellow 8.3% below average
Red 8.8 % below average
Black 14.6% below average
This is the gist of an interesting Yahoo! article on cars, now that the gas price is so high. I think it's just trying to make news in place of the same old news about gas. People really got nothing better to report.

People whose car is: Experience:
Black, dark blue,
or silver
Consistent moods
White, sunny yellow,
or bright blue
Modest mood swings
Orange, red, bright
yellow, or
emerald green
The most pronounced mood swings

Friday, May 16, 2008

Boards Schedule

These are the planned schedules by the month and the 4 weeks that I've got left. I'll post the updated one when I've taken the test. I have already went through the basic science materials once starting in February. Here goes the crunch time!! Wish me luck!